March 2020
My colleague Dr Anouk Goemans is hosting a workshop for organizations that use the Brief Assessment Checklists on Friday 29th May at Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Download the workshop flyer
August 2018
Routledge has just published my latest book, which I wrote for children's agencies so that they could carry out mental health screening for their child clients:
Mental health screening and monitoring for children in care: A short guide for children's agencies and post-adoption services. Routledge, London.
Paperback : ISBN13: 978-1138104730 US$34.95

7 December 2016
I have been awarded the 2016 Innovation Medal by University Council, in recognition of my work on the Assessment Checklist measures.
Click here to read about the medal, and to view a short video
28 October 2013
The Clinical Manual for the Assessment Checklist series has been published by Routledge and is available to purchase online. The manual is titled:
Clinician's Guide to the Assessment Checklist Series: Specialized Mental Health Measures for children in Care
Click here to download a publisher's flyer which includes a 20% discount code

8 August 2013
I would like to promote a recently-released book that I have co-edited with Arlene Vetere that should be of interest to many clinicians and services who use the ACC and ACA:
Tarren-Sweeney, M & Vetere, A (Eds). (2013). Mental health services for vulnerable children and young people: Supporting children who are, or have been, in foster care. Routledge, London. [Book series: Routledge Advances in Health and Social Policy]
"... the definitive international reference for the design of specialised mental health services for children and young people in care and those adopted from care. It is invaluable reading for health and social care professionals working with this population and academics with an interest in child and adolescent mental health from a range of disciplines, including social work, nursing and psychology."
Click here to view the book's flyer, which includes a 20% discount off the list price.

19 April 2013
The manuscript for the clinical manual is with Routledge and is on track for publication in November 2014
12 January 2013
I have uploaded a corrected version of the ACA-SF profile sheet for boys and girls, which contains the ACA-SF item numbers rather than the ACA item numbers. The profile sheets are on the 'Obtaining the ACC and ACA' page.
30 November 2012
Some researchers have been using a 44-item short form version of the ACC. I have now included that and a 37-item short form version of the ACA in the zip file I distribute to registered users. These short form versions are appropriate for some research and treatment monitoring purposes, but are not substitutes for the ACC and ACA when conducting comprehensive clinical assessments. I have also included some information on the ACC-SF and ACA-SF at the bottom of the respective ACC and ACA pages on this website, and have added profile sheets for these versions on the 'Obtaining the ACC & ACA' page.
17 November 2012
The first news is that the Assessment Checklist measures have a new website at I have shifted from the old site on the University of Canterbury's website so that I can update the site myself. This has been timed to coincide with several important developments, namely the development of the ACA and BAC measures.
Item and factor analyses and validation procedures for the new Assessment Checklist for Adolescents were carried out in August this year during six months study leave from teaching. This follows completion of the follow-up and adolescent surveys of the NSW Children in Care study last year, in which the ACA items were trialled with 230 young people in foster and kinship care. I wish to acknowledge the support of the Treatment Foster Care Program for the Children's Aid Societies of Durham, Highland Shores and Kawartha-Haliburton, in Ontario, Canada, which kindly contributed adolescent ACC scores for the ACA's factor analyses.
My six-months study leave also provided me the opportunity to derive the Brief Assessment Checklists from the ACC and ACA in October this year. This project had been put on the back burner for several years, most recently because of the impact of the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes on my research time. It is very gratifying to finally have these screening and case monitoring instruments developed and ready for use.
I have also been using my study leave to work on the Clinical Manual for the Assessment Checklist series. I expect this manual will be published some time around the middle of 2013. I will email the publication details to ACC/ACA registered users when the book is published.