Assessment Checklist for Children Assessment Checklist for Adolescents Brief Assessment Checklists

How to obtain the ACC and ACA

Use of the ACC and ACA (including the short form versions) is restricted to approved researchers and to appropriately qualified child and adolescent mental health professionals and supervised trainees. Please note however, that the Brief Assessment Checklists (BAC-C and BAC-A) can be freely downloaded and used by children’s agencies and health services for screening, case monitoring and other administrative purposes.

I allow free use of the ACC, ACC-SF, ACA and ACA-SF to registered users who agree to conditions set out in a limited license document (read the limited licence document). These conditions are primarily designed to stop the instruments being distributed in an unrestricted manner and used for non-clinical purposes (e.g. as an administrative tool), in order to reduce the risk of children and young people being harmed or disadvantaged due to incorrect clinical formulation and labelling of their difficulties.

Please email to request the long and short form versions of the ACC and ACA checklists. In your email, include details of your professional qualification and/or relevant training, and briefly describe the practice carried out in your service. I will then email the ACC and ACA checklists to you. Clinicians may email me to either register as individual users, or to register their clinical service. When a clinical service is registered, there is no need for individual clinicians to be separately registered as users (even if they wish to use the instruments in their private practice). However, I ask that everyone within the service reads the limited licence document before they use the ACC or ACA. The main condition for using the ACC and ACA is that registered users do not re-distribute the instruments to anyone other than qualified child and adolescent mental health clinicians (or supervised trainees) working within their service. If you have colleagues who work outside of your service and wish to use the ACC/ACA and, then please direct them to this website or provide them with my email address.